10 April 2009

On Headset; We're at Places.

The Basics:

Author: Rebecca, a young 20something, trying to make it work in the Performing Arts industry, specifically in a stage management career. Tends to work long hours. Seems to move frequently. Loves Family. Loves music, movies, and reading. Loves formatting word.docs.

Purpose of this: Keep family and friends updated on major events in my life (and some not so major ones, i'm sure), while hopefully not being asinine and mundane. Share interesting anecdotes; happenings, ruminations.

I, Rebecca, hereby swear the following things:
1. To never blog about what I recently ate.
2. To never blog about what i'm currently wearing.
3. To never blog about, like, omg, how totally cute that guy I just met was.
4. In deference to my co-workers privacy, I will only use first names.

Enjoy; we're at curtain.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Cool! Cool! Now our blogs can talk to each other!
