10 April 2009

"But why do you keep calling him Oysterpuff?!"

The cast of 80 Days is inspired, and that's the easiest way to explain it.

In the words of our director, "you know, laughing is supposed to make you life longer. I think this show is going to add about 20 years to my life."

It's a group of 6 actors, playing about 20 roles over the course of a couple hours. These guys, and gal, switch accents, physicality; demeanor on a dime, and they are great at it. They are truly comic geniuses, and I enjoy sitting in rehearsal, watching them 'create' (goof off until the director spits water from laughing) magic. Rehearsal grinding to a halt for a good couple of minutes for people to catch their breath is a common occurrence.

The eldest of the group, Ed, a long time theatre veteran, will do whatever he can to pause a rehearsal (telling stories and jokes are some of his standbys; the more inappropriate, the better in his book).

David and Jay are the other two musketeers in the trio of mischevious actors. These are the guys who might be off on the side heckling each other, giving each other ideas to try, or cracking fart jokes in the green room.

Kevin, who plays Passepartout, is slowly becoming the Frenchman he spends 8 hours a day rehearsing and perfecting. His accent will just stop in to say hi, even when he's not working.

Rob, carrying the weight of Phileas Fogg, started the rehearsals as a quieter, 'serious' actor, yet is making his presence known. He knows comedy, and he makes a great foil to the musketeers.

Maureen, 'the girl', has no problem whatsoever keeping up with the guys. Fart jokes included.

The show is going to be great.

If we can just get it to fit on the stage.

To give you a taste of the talent in the room - here's a video of two of the cast members doing a take on "Who's on First" for a local New Year's Celebration

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