- bent axle on the trailer.
- Shorting out the electrical system in both the van and trailer.
- Actors getting sick and needing to swing out.

- Actors injuring themselves DURING a show, having to hold, and eventually stop the show.
- realizing we forgot half of a show's laundry when the venue is 2 hours away from the theatre. zippers breaking during the show. various other wardrobe malfunctions...
- Horrible. Horrible. Horrible vice principals/teachers/staff members. Worst confrontation to date involved a VP saying "I am hearing a lot of 'need', but I need to hear more 'please' and 'thank you'" and my reminding her I was not one of her students...
That all being said, there have been good, even some great, days on tour. You know those days, where the show really resonates with the students, and we walk out of the building feeling like we at least made their day, if not created some future theatre goers or even artisans. Those are the days I like.
Outside of work, I've got this thought rolling around through the back of my mind about moving to New York. A couple friends planted it a couple weeks ago, and I haven't gotten rid of it yet. As of now, it wouldn't be a possibility until next autumn, but we'll see. This whole not knowing what i'm doing/where i'm living in 6 months is not as glamorous as one might think, and part of me wants a 'big girl' job with a steady paycheck and benefits such as health insurance...
Not to mention i've had some great times in NYC the past couple of times i've been there. Concerts, museums, and restaurants, oh my! Throw in a day trip to the jersey shore, celebrating my birthday, doing some job hunting, and i've been pretty busy lately...

Waiting in line for a free concert...

Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys (free concert nirvana)

The boardwalk at Asbury Park, NJ
Jersey enjoying life at the shore